Take Action – RBS

RBS has engaged with campaigners and has a policy that excludes financing of nuclear weapons-producing companies in countries outside NATO. They apply enhanced due diligence to companies within NATO countries, but still invest millions in nuclear weapons-producing companies.

Think this leaves room for improvement? Then contact them in one of ways below.


Click on one of the following links to tweet RBS:




Online Message

Fill in the online form here: https://personal.rbs.co.uk/personal/support-centre/contact-us-form.html

Or message RBS on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/royalbankofscotland/

And simply copy and paste the message from this document into the “comments” section of the online form, or the chat function on Facebook:

Send a Letter

Print out, date, sign, and send this letter. Remember to put your own address in the top right corner.

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